Digital signage developer tools that speed up deployment

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Digital signage developer tools that speed up deployment

Digital signs can achieve much more than displaying images and videos. Digital signs can be an integral part of unique multimedia solutions that generate revenue, engage employees, and deliver “wow” moments to people who interact with your business.

At the core of this functionality are custom digital signage applications that are built by developers. At Screenly, our goal is to make developer-first digital signage that makes the build and deployment of custom solutions easier than ever. Read the post below to learn more about digital signage developer tools at Screenly.

Digital signage API

Any developer-friendly platform needs an API. At Screenly, we have a fully defined API that allows users to integrate their existing tools quickly and easily. Our API is RESTful, JSON-based, and properly versioned. Developers can use our API to display custom content and make digital signage respond to real-time business data.

Check out our Screenly API documentation to learn more.

Edge Apps

Edge Apps are the evolution of the Screenly API, and they allow developers to run applications that run natively on each digital signage player. This on-device functionality allows flawless playback and lightning-fast load times that usher in a new era of digital signage functionality.

With Edge Apps, developers get everything they need to deploy a digital signage app right out of the box. There is no need to deal with thorny issues like app distribution, device management, operating system selection, or hardware intricacies. Instead, developers can focus on the parts of their app that are custom to their business and drive business value.

Learn more about Screenly Edge Apps.

Command-line interface

Screenly provides developers a full CLI, so that they can interact with their digital signs with speed and intuitively within their existing CI/CD pipeline. The CLI makes managing digital signs at scale easy. Functionality like pairing a screen or even more complicated functionality like updating playlists with UNIX pipes is possible with the Screenly CLI.

Our CLI is fully open-source, and you can check it out here.

Digital signage predicates

With Screenly, our predicate system determines when content displays on a screen. For example, a time predicate determines which time a playlist will run on a screen. In addition to time, users can build unique predicates based off of their existing tech stack. One example is a predicate that evaluates inventory based on a JSON endpoint. Depending on whether an item is in stock or not, different content can show on your digital sign. Our predicate system allows developers to fine tune their digital signage and apply digital signage to unique business use cases.

Javascript injection and authentication

One of the biggest problems companies face with digital signage is how to securely display password-protected content. With Screenly, users can take advantage of our JavaScript Injection feature to log in to web pages, close GDPR content, and even add custom styling. Screenly has even made several of these Javascript injection snippets available at the link here.

Getting started with developer-first digital signage

Interested in getting started with Screenly? It’s possible to get started right now. With Screenly, users can register for a free 30-day trial.

Picture of Daniel Mountcastle
Daniel Mountcastle View Profile
Daniel runs content marketing at Screenly.

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